WHAT IS collagen?
the main Protein of the human body
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and one of the main components of joints, bones, muscles, gums, teeth and skin, as well as other organ structures and tissues.
It is only found in human and animal tissue, which it makes more cohesive, resistant and flexible. Plants do not contain it, neither do algae.
It is also a large and complex molecule which forms such thick, resistant and insoluble fibres that the human digestive system cannot break them down, so native collagen can not be digested, and therefore assimilated, by our body.
Nevertheless, assimilable or hydrolysed collagen is a soluble food ingredient obtained by the fragmentation of the native collagen molecule via a predigestion or hydrolysis. As a consequence, our body will be able to digest and assimilate it and therefore, be used as a nutrient.
Collagen over the years
From the age of 25, our body begins to regenerate less collagen (we lose approximately 1.5% of this protein annually). This is an unavoidable natural process, which can be slowed down by supplementing our diet with an effective daily dose of hydrolyzed collagen (10 g).

Factors that accelerate collagen loss

Trauma can break the collagen fibres of joints (ligaments and tendons), cartilage, muscles and bones, causing them to degrade prematurely.

Overweight causes overloading of the lower joints, which accelerates the wear and tear of their collagen, causing them to deteriorate prematurely, resulting in joint pain.

Physical exercise
Intense physical exercise has a high impact on muscles and joints, so the loss and deterioration of collagen in these tissues increases. Likewise, injuries caused by the intensive practice of sport or exercise, weaken the collagenous tissues of muscles, joints or bones.

The decrease in hormone levels associated with menopause accelerates the degradation and loss of collagen. The main consequence is the appearance of joint wear and bone mass loss in women, at an earlier age than in men.
The main ingredient
How is Hydrolysed Collagen helping?
Collagen molecules and fibres are synthesized in our body by specialized cells.
These cells are capable of capturing and assembling the amino acids and peptides from the hydrolysed collagen and use them to build the collagen fibres that will form the structure of the tissues of joints, bones, muscles, skin and connective tissues, giving them strength and flexibility.
What is hydrolysed collagen?
Hydrolysed collagen is a highly assimilable and soluble protein nutrient, and the best way of adding assimilable collagen into our diet.
How does hydrolysed collagen help us?
Taking 10 grams daily of hydrolysed collagen helps to conserve our collagen in good conditions. As a result, helps to the welforce of all their organic tissues whose structure is made up by collagen: joints (cartlages, ligaments, and tendons), bones, muscles, skin… It is very important for situations where the organ tissues are worn down or affected due to aging, overuse (sport or physical exercise), surgical interventions, etc.
How much collagen should we take?
It is advisable to take 10 grams of Colpropur® hydrolysed collagen protein per day dissolved in a daily liquid food (water, milk alone or white coffee or cocoa, yogurt, tea, etc.).
Lower amounts will not guarantee the desired effect.
In this article we explain you in detail more about: What is the ideal daily dose of hydrolyzed collagen?.
What determines the effectiveness of a collagen supplement?
The effectiveness of a food product or supplement containing collagen protein does not depend on the species or tissue of the collagen source animal but on the percentage of collagen protein it contains and the degree of hydrolysis or assimilation.